I unearthed this gem of a children's book with my sister as we were going through old boxes. I didn't remember The Quitting Deal, by Tobi Tobias before it reappeared in our lives. However, I now recognize how much I was influenced by illustrator Trina Schart Hyman (great name).
There are some anachronisms like ashing a ciggarette on your baby's head and wearing open toed laced sandals. The reflection on addictive behavior and how we compensate for our uncomfortable feelings regardless of age is pretty spot on. Also, the continual seasons of failure and recovery when trying to change your life.
I recognize the way the daughter's limbs are twined around her Mom and the mother's bare toes unconsciously pet her kid's sneaker.
It's interesting to revisit a book I read as a child when my current family is pretty much a reflection of the one in this picture.
Who doesn't relate to "The Food Cure"? It's nice the author didn't fat shame the Mom.
If you are looking for a copy I have added a link to the cover image. It has become a favorite for my oldest who has instituted a quitting deal of our own.