A few weeks ago my co-parent (aka: the guy who gets rushed by screaming daughters whenever he enters the house) was in New York when Robin crawled off our bed. Right up top I'm letting you know that the kid was not hurt. I was sitting next to the baby at the time but, she zigged when I zagged and I just missed her. She threw up immediately as she tends to do when crying. As most people know vomiting is a sign that a fall might be serious. So, off to the ER I went with my two kids trying to keep them off all contaminated surfaces during the hours of monitoring necessary to rule out concussion.
Have you ever spoken to Child Protective Services? I expected that step thanks to movies and was maybe aggressively non-chalant about it because the social worker repeatedly asked if I was sure I didn't have any questions about the process. When I related the story to my Mom she said, "Do you think she bought it?" Hilarious Mom.
So, now I am publicly documenting another head injury that thankfully turned out not to be serious. I feel like a helmet might be in order for this daughter.